Selected Group Shows

2024 cline house gallery annual juried show, cornwall, ontario
2024 Art gallery of northumberland 45th juried show, cobour, ontario
2023 Melt Studio & Gallery “Give a Little Bit”, Picton, Ontario
2023 Melt Studio & Gallery “Decay”, Picton, Ontario
2023 Melt Studio & Gallery “MoonWatchers”, Picton, Ontario
2023 Propeller Gallery “unframed”, Toronto, Ontario
2022 Melt Studio & Gallery “Give a Little Bit”, Picton, Ontario
2022 Melt Studio & Gallery “Decay”, Picton, Ontario
2022 Melt Studio & Gallery “Melt Artists Group Show”, Picton, Ontario
2022 Melt Studio & Gallery “MoonWatcher”, Picton, Ontario
2021 Propeller Gallery “Mail Art: Unlimited Dada”, Toronto, Ontario
2019 South Dundas Artist Studio Tour, Williamsburg, Ontario
2018 South Dundas Artist Studio Tour, Williamsburg, Ontario
2007 Cube Gallery “Canadiana”, Ottawa, Ontario
2007 Abbey for the Arts, “Opus2”, Glen Nevis, Ontario
2007 Gallery 201, “Colour & Form”, Toronto, Ontario
2006 Cube Gallery “Foundling”, Ottawa, Ontario
2006 201 Gallery “Defrost” Spring Show, Toronto, Ontario

Selected Press

2020 ArtAscent Art & Literature “Grey”, April 2020
Distinguished Artist
2018 ArtAscent Art & Literature “Black”, June 2018
Distinguished Artist

Private Collections

Canada: Ottawa, Montreal, Winnipeg
USA: Los Angeles


1999 International “Teddy” Award
Design & Innovation, Nomadic Displays
Las Vegas, NV